Emma Dallinger as the new chair of the IFA Youth Commission: “Youth is one of the most important areas in fistball!”

Change at the head of the Fistball Youth Commission. After many years as Chairman of the Youth Commission, Uwe Schneider recently passed the baton on to Emma Dallinger. The 21-year-old from Austria has played for her home club ASKÖ Laakirchen Papier since childhood and took part in the 2021 U18 World Championships. In the future, she wants to play an active role in the work of international fistball. In this interview, she talks about her new role as Chair of the IFA Youth Commission, her goals and wishes. She also reveals what awaits participants at the Youth Congress in Chile and why the election of youth representatives is so important.
How did you get into fistball? And what highlights have you already experienced in the sport?

It was somehow clear to me from an early age that I wanted to play fistball. My dad plays, my sister played, so it wasn’t even a question for me, it was just a matter of waiting until I could finally go to youth training.

I’ve been playing at my home club, ASKÖ Laakirchen Papier, since the start of my fistball career and I’m incredibly grateful for all the wonderful fistball moments I’ve had the chance to experience. The Austrian indoor championship title in 2018 and the U18 runner-up world championship title in 2021 are at the top of the list. The best thing is simply being on the court with my girls and being able to experience such emotions together, whether you win or lose.

You traveled to New Zealand in 2022, where you also did fistball development work and supported the men's national team at the 2023 World Championships in Germany. How did you experience your time with New Zealand fistball?

The three and a half months I spent in New Zealand were incredibly special for me. By coaching the New Zealand men’s team, I was able to gain an insight into the small fistball world of New Zealand. Fistball there thrives on team spirit and the commitment of a few people who have fallen in love with the sport. On the one hand, it’s wonderful to see, but on the other, you also realize how difficult and time-consuming it is to establish fundamental and functioning structures for a sport.

In future, you will be looking after the interests of youth fistball in the International Fistball Association. What appeals to you about this task?

I was able to enjoy years of great youth training in my club myself and have now been working as a coach in the youth sector for several years, as I simply want to give something back and I also enjoy working in the youth sector incredibly much. I believe that youth is one of the most important areas in fistball, especially when it comes to sustainability, which is why working on the youth commission is super exciting for me.

Do you already have ideas and plans that you would like to implement? What will be important to you in your work?

It’s still a bit difficult to talk about very specific plans at the beginning – but there are already some ideas. The focus will definitely be on working out and developing concepts for sustainable youth work. In doing so, I would like to focus above all on the exchange between nations and with the Youth Commission. In addition, international youth work is particularly important to me, as I have also seen in New Zealand that too little often happens here to create a sustainable foundation for the sport in these “smaller fistball nations”. This in turn goes hand in hand with the work of the IFA Fistball Academy, which certainly makes exciting projects possible here.

The U18 World Championships will soon be taking place in Chile. What does this international event mean for young fistball players?

I think the Youth World Championships are the highlight of the fistball year for every player. For many, it’s the first time they get a taste of international fistball and get to play in the national jersey. For me, too, it was a very special feeling at every game. These are moments that stay with you forever.

There will also be a youth congress in Chile. What is planned here?

The youth congress will take place on October 29 before the start of the World Championships. I would like to use this to introduce myself and the planned work of the Youth Commission and the Academy and to talk to the participants for the first time. Not only should it become clear what we as the Youth Commission are committed to and what our goals are, it is at least as important for me to find out in which areas the nations need support and how they can best get it. In addition to topics that specifically concern the Youth Commission and its projects, the Youth Congress should also create sufficient space for constructive exchange.

Youth representatives are also to be elected again to be actively involved in the work of the Youth Commission. Why should young fistball players register for this? What tasks await them?

Exactly. In Chile, as in Grieskirchen in 2021, there will be another election for youth representatives in fistball. For me, this election is a very important part of the Youth World Championship, because what would a youth commission be without its own youth representatives who can represent young players and stand up for their needs? I think it’s a great opportunity for the elected representatives to be directly involved in upcoming projects and influence their development. In addition, they should also be the mouthpiece between the fistball youth themselves and the youth commission in a way, as they are sitting right at the source and have a closer connection to the problems and challenges of the youth players.

You will also be following the U18 World Championships live in Chile. What are you looking forward to?

I’m looking forward to the Youth World Championship in Chile with great anticipation. Of course I’m looking forward to lots of exciting matches – but I think it will be particularly nice to see so many young fistball enthusiasts come together at a big event. I’m most looking forward to seeing international friendships being forged and teams celebrating success!